I sent Jeb out first, and used the jetpack to get him there faster. Well the rescue ship landed about 11k away, so the castaways had to hoof it. It probably could have returned, but I decided to launch a rescue mission instead. My first lander had the wrong sized landing struts, so it ended up bouncing around on landing, breaking off two of them, and coming to rest at an odd angle.

Yup, had a very similar situation on Minimum this weekend. I think I'll be intentionally stranding a few Kerbals in space tonight to give it another go. Their deaths taught me a valuable lesson, though, and my next rescue ship will be better for it. The hitchhiker can was crushed upon impact with the ground, and the three rescued Kerbals were killed. I had three parachutes attached to the command module of the rescue ship, but apparently that wasn't quite enough for the weight of the command module, the hitchhiker can, and six kerbalnauts. From there I burned retro long enough to change the ship's trajectory toward the planet.įinally, the depressing part.

After nearly an hour I gave up and had the astronauts EVA between the ships until everyone was on board the rescue ship.
After watching the Scott Manley video a few times, I finally managed to get the vessels on a stable could next to one another, but try as I might, I couldn't get the docking ports to connect (this is all manual btw - no mechjeb or anything). I had never successfully synched up orbits before so it was a major challenge. Plan B was to take the Kerbals on board and land all together. Plan A was to dock with the stranded command module and slow them down enough to send them hurtling back to Kerbin.
Launch and orbit were successful and I made it to stable orbit with a full middle-size tank of fuel. I constructed a simple rescue ship with crossfeed fuel distribution and an extra "hitchhiker" can to hold the three additional passengers on board. I had previously stranded three Kerbals in a command module which was now orbiting Kerbin around 200km above the planet. I had a depressing/hilarious night in the game last night.